New Delhi: The State Bank of India (SBI) has released the call letter or admit card for its probationary officers (PO) main examination on the official website.
Candidates who have qualified the preliminary examination and have been selected to appear for Main examination can download their admit cards from the state-run bank’s official website, i.e.
The bank had conducted the prelims exam earlier and declared the results recently.
Following are the steps to download the call letters:
- Go to the official website of SBI -
- Click on 'careers'.
- On the 'Current openings' page, go to tab 'Recruitment of Probationary Officers in State Bank of India'.
- You will find 'Call Letter download for Main Examination'. Click on it.
- Enter the required details such as registration no, roll no and password, date of birth etc. and press submit.
- The call letter will be displayed on the screen.
- Save the admit card and take its print out for further reference.
The PO main examination will be held on July 31.
Admit cards for the examination will be available from July 20-July 31, 2016.
We will keep you updated. Stay tuned.

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